I'm thinking about it now and I realize how silly I sound. Just because things didn't go my way doesn't give me a reason to be mad at the world. Instead I should be thankful. Thankful that I have an incredible family who are all healthy, a beautiful house to come home to, friends that would take the shirt off their back if I needed it, a fridge full of food, etc. There are so many people in this world that don't have the luxuries I get to experience on a daily basis. People without a home, food, even clean water.
While I was in my "mood" today, my husband told me to smile. He pulled up a picture of a young child who lives in poverty. This child was smiling. Although he didn't have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, or even proper shelter, he was happy.
We live our lives complaining about bills, taxes, big lineups and gas prices when we should really be thankful for all these things. If we are paying bills, that means we have a house to live in. If we are buying gas, it means we have a car to drive. If we are paying taxes, it means we have a job. We are lucky to have all these things and we should never take them for granted.
So next time you are having a bad day, look at this picture and try to see the positive in the situation. I bet you will see how lucky you are! Your day will not seem as bad as you think.
:) |
Love it Whitta...and love you! :)