Monday, November 21, 2011


Ok, so it's not the New Year yet, but I am starting a new me RIGHT NOW!  I have always been pretty dedicated to working out but I find that around this time of year my energy levels drop and my motivation to work out is non-existent.  I sit around thinking about it, complaining about it, and not actually doing it.  So right now, I am making a pledge to a new me.

I just finished making a "healthy" lunch for Jeffrey and I.  The lunch consists of:

-Cut up raw veggies (red and yellow peppers, cucumbers)
-2 clementines 
-1 banana
-small egg salad wrap with lettuce (for me) and a bigger egg salad sandwich (for him)
-small zero fat yogurt
-granola bar 

Now that I have the lunch and snacks out of the way, I need to get a workout plan underway.  Jeffrey's brother is in town for a week and he is the most motivated person I know when it comes to working out.  So I am going to see if he wants to go for a run after I finish work.  I will aim for a 5k run and if I have time on my lunch break, I will do a half hour spin class.  

Starting middle of December I have signed up for a running class.  The runs will be every week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.  My bucket list has me running a half and full marathon so I better start training!  

I am going to work really hard at making nutritious lunches the night before and planning for healthy dinners.  Although I do love my sweets, I am going to try cutting down.  I would say eliminate, but I and everyone who knows me, knows that is probably close to impossible.  Plus, with Christmas right around the corner, I wouldn't be able to resist my favourite Christmas treats.  

So here is my "before" New Year GOALS in regards to diet and exercise:

GOAL 1: Workout at LEAST 4 times a week (gym or runs)
GOAL 2: Cut down on sweets
GOAL 3: Make healthy lunches everyday - eat out once a month
GOAL 4: Cut down on coffee - Replace at least one cup with green tea
GOAL 5: Drink 8 glasses of water EVERYDAY!
GOAL 6: Make healthy dinners with less carbs 
GOAL 7: Don't eat after 7pm

I wrote these goals and had to tweak them several times.  If I had kept the original goals, I know I probably would not have had much success in achieving them.  I needed to make sure they were more realistic and attainable.  I am hoping that by sticking to these goals I can be comfortable with my body inside and out :)

My Dream body :)

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