Saturday, March 3, 2012

The fork in the road...

"Live in the present and make it so beautiful it is worth remembering!" - Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill)

10 years from now, where will I be?  Will I have a full time teaching job?  Will I have one or two (max) kids?  OR will I still be stressing about the FUTURE!!!  Ahhhh!  I hate to be one of those people who can't just sit back and enjoy the ride... but lately, that is who I have become.  Instead of enjoying the present, I am getting too caught up in the future.

I was hired on as an occasional teacher this past spring which is a great start to a teaching career... BUT, along with me being hired, about 500 others were hired as well... needless to say, the journey to permanent is going to be a long one :(  Luckily (for now) I am working a full time job as well as supplying. The positive to this is the steady flow of income.  The negative is not being able to volunteer in schools and getting my name out there.  And it is quite known around here that the only way you are getting an interview for a long term position is if you put the face time in.  Totally understandable... but some of us need the money as well... such a dilemma!

When I first graduated teachers college I was afraid that maybe this wasn't exactly the career I wanted.. but after supplying in the classroom I knew it was precisely where I was suppose to be.  My goal is to teach, then become a special education teacher, and ultimately work for the board developing curriculum for students with special needs.  Having these three goals in mind, I know what I must do to get there.  Come September I need to focus on taking any necessary steps to reach my goals.  So I have decided I will volunteer, supply, and tutor.  I may not have the steady income I am use to but I will gain the experience and the contacts that will help me reach my goals.

The future can seem scary and intimidating.  Especially when you don't set realistic goals for yourself.  I would stay awake worrying about the future of my career because I felt I had no real direction.  This blog post has helped me sort through my thoughts and figure out my course of action!

Now that I have set goals and made a blueprint on what needs to be done to achieve them, I feel lighter!

My husband says that if I had it my way, I would be a professional student!  Which is probably true.. I love learning new knowledge and skills that will help me be better in whatever it is I do.  Just yesterday I told him I wanted to go back to school to get my Masters in Speech Pathology...  But after sitting down and thinking about it, I decided to try one path first and if that path takes a wrong turn and isn't what I expected, there is always a time and place to choose a new path.

Sorry if this blog is all over the place... that is how I have been feeling lately and needed somewhere to vent and get it all out... Thanks for listening and wish me luck!!!

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