Thursday, December 20, 2012

We Click.

I use to be one of those people that felt that I needed to please everyone.  I was always wanting people to like me and would sometimes sacrifice my own feelings for others.  As I grow older I realize how important true friendships are.  I have had a lot of friends throughout my lifetime but I can honestly say that the people I surround myself with today are probably the best friends a person could ask for.  My core group of friends is small and I realize now that that is ok.. it is more than ok, it is perfect!  I don't have to go out of my way to make sure they like me.. I know that they love me for who I am.  I don't have to try with them.

Over this last year I went through a bit of an emotional roller coaster and these girls were there for me through it all.  I didn't have to ask for them to be there, they just were. Each of them are very different from each other and I sometimes wonder how we ever came to be... but I'm sure glad that we did.

This post is dedicated to the amazing girls I am so fortunate to have a part of my life.  I look forward to many more years of long chats, girls nights in, wild nights out, road trips, concerts, dinner parties, sleepovers, etc.. I love you all so much!  Thank you for being a part of my life!!

"Remember no man is a failure who has friends!" - It's A Wonderful Life

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