Thursday, November 15, 2012

Who doesn't want to be an Angel??

It's that time of year again... time for the most perfect women to strut their stuff on the runway while women all over the world admire with slight extreme jealousy and men drool wishing they could be with them for at least one night!  The Victoria's Secret Annual Fashion Show is just weeks away and I know that I am more than just a little excited... I'm ecstatic!  Long fabulous hair and smokin' hot bodies... these women are one of a kind beauties!

Not only does this air around my favourite time of the year (Christmas) it also has all the best elements for a night in!  Victoria's Secret, Justin Bieber, Christmas themed,  and a lot of fun!  I will have to add "Attend VS fashion show" to my bucket list ;)

Every year at this time, while the angel's prepare for the runway, I kick my butt into full workout gear.  My dream to be an angel is just that, a dream!  But instead of sitting on the couch jamming potato chips and ice cream down my throat feeling miserable watching the "skinny bitches" rock the runway, I am going to watch with confidence!  Although I may never look like "an angel", I can at least try to look and feel the best for me! 

Here are a few pictures for that extra motivation needed to hit the gym and not eat a whole pizza in one sitting ;)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Be the red cup ;)

One thing I love about this time of year is how little things seem to go a long way to make people's days.  Just from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram I can tell how the arrival of Starbucks red Christmas cups and Tim Horton's blue Christmas cups made everyone's day that much brighter.  Simple pleasures!

The simple pleasures in life are sometimes the only thing that gets us through tough days.  I truly believe in the saying "Pay it Forward".  I also believe that little things that we can do for people will become their simple pleasures and may even help make their day that much brighter.  

Years ago my mom started buying the person behind her in the Tim Horton's lineup their coffee.  It was a simple gesture that seemed to go a long way.  She did this every day for years.  Then one day, while shopping at a local thrift store, my mom overheard a woman asking the store owner if she knew of anyone selling a bed.  The woman had a son that needed a bigger bed and because her husband had just lost his job, they were short on funds.  My mom approached the woman and let her know that she had an extra bed and if she wanted it, it was hers.  The woman came by that night with her husband to see if the bed would do.  Her husband's mouth dropped when he pulled up into the driveway.  The first thing he asked my mom is if she had ever bought anyone a coffee in the Tim Horton's lineup.  My mom of course said yes.  Apparently the day that this man had found out he lost his job, he went through the drive through and my mom bought him his coffee.  He told my mom that it was the worst day of his life but after that simple gesture, his day turned around.  He realized that it was a tough day but he didn't have a tough life.  My mom spent an extra $1.50 that day and that paid for a man's happiness :)

Now, every so often when I have extra cash on me, I will do the same as my mom and buy someone their coffee.  I always try my hardest to make a mad dash so I can stay anonymous... but the other day I had a guy follow me back to work.  He didn't stop for long, just rolled down his window and kindly said "Thank you"... and that made my day!

You never know what struggles people are facing on a daily basis.  You never know how much a simple gesture can mean to someone.. I truly believe that it can save a life!

So, in the spirit of Christmas and simple pleasures, I ask that anyone who reads this post to go out of your way tomorrow and do something nice for someone.  Buy them a coffee, hold open a door, give a compliment to a stranger, tip your server a little more than usual ;)  

Be the red Christmas cup!  Brighten someone's day! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

You are not alone!

Since writing my last two posts, I have had a lot of positive feedback.  Many people have called, text, and private messaged me letting me know that they are glad I'm back at blogging.  It's nice to see that my rambling means something to more people than just me. :)

I guess what this past week has taught me, is that I am not alone in this world.  Many people have the same struggles and from time to time deal with similar stresses.  I remember a time, when I was much younger, I had trouble sleeping.  My brother was away at University and I gave him a call in the middle of the night.. I knew if there was anyone else up, he would be.  After we talked for awhile, he told me that any time I couldn't sleep and I felt like I was alone, to watch the news... haha!  He said that knowing someone else out there was awake would provide comfort... and he was right!  Still to this day, when I am wide awake in the middle of the night and start to feel a bit lonely, I turn on the news and I feel completely at ease. 

The people who we surround ourselves with are the people who are going to help you through the good times and the bad!  I am happy to say that I have an incredible family who I also call friends and an amazing group of friends that I call family!  Life can be hard but the hard becomes easy when you are not alone. 

Thank you to all those people who have sent positive comments my way!  I appreciate the feedback and I appreciate knowing that my words mean something to you!  I will continue to write because even if I can help one person through a bad day, that is enough to keep me going! :)  You have all inspired me to be the best version of me!

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