Tuesday, August 28, 2012


So, it's been awhile since my last REAL blog post.  I'm not sure why I haven't posted in awhile... I just haven't...

I thought today I would dedicate a post to one of the most important people in my life.. MY BROTHER!

My brother is one of the most amazing persons I know.  He amazes me everyday and I look up to him in many ways.  I feel that the busyness of summer has gotten in the way of me being a part of his world and I miss him.

My brother and I haven't always been as close.  He is 6 years older than me and growing up I use to annoy the HELL out of him.  But what are younger siblings for, right?  As we got older though, I feel like my bond with my brother grew.  He has always been there for me no matter what and he shows a genuine interest and concern in all aspects of my life.  Anyone who knows Arron, knows that he would take his shirt off his back for his family and close friends.  Everyone comes before him and he has always been mature beyond his years.

Arron is a hard worker, an incredible father, a loving husband, and the best brother a girl could ask for. His love for music, wrestling, and inappropriate comments makes him the life of any party.  Arron is extremely talented and his life experiences have moulded him into the amazing person he is today.  My brother didn't have the easiest adolescence but I know that he grew stronger because of these challenges and anyone who meets him will tell you he has the kindest soul.

Arron, I want you to know that I love you.  I look up to the person you have become and strive to be half the parent you are.  I am happy that we come from the same family and I feel honoured to call you my brother!

1 comment:

  1. Great post about your brother! The older I get the more I value the relationiships I have with family members specifically my siblings.
