Sunday, January 15, 2012

I'm back and here to stay :)

I may not be the best writer or the most creative blogger.  But I enjoy it.  Lately I have been feeling a bit down about the blogging because their are some people in my life that "indirectly" make me feel like I'm not good enough... 

I never started blogging because I thought my ideas were worth listening to.  I started because I like the outlet to vent and share with the cyber world.  I guess the reason my "creative juices" have been M.I.A is because I have let certain people make me feel inadequate.  I shouldn't care what one or two people think... Most of the people in my life are very supportive of everything I do and these people make it easy for me to continue.  

I was told once that you can't control other people's actions, but you can control your own reactions.  So instead of letting people bring me down, I will make the choice to look past that and do what I love.  It's funny how one negative comment can disguise a 100 positive ones.  

So from now on, I will continue to blog because I like too.  It may be poorly written and it may not be of interest to anyone but myself... and I am ok with that.  I will no longer let one person make me feel that I am not good enough.  


  1. Good for you Whit! I've read a few of your blog posts and they are fun to read. I think they are written quite well to be honest! Keep doing what you love to do and I'll continue to check in from time to time :)

  2. It's so much easier to sit around from behind a computer and criticize something that someone else has created than it is to take a risk and actually create something yourself and put it out to the world!! Good for you for sticking with this!

  3. I am immensely proud of you. You are truly beautiful and inspiring, I've never met anyone like you and I am so glad I did. I was surprised to know that people were making you feel inadequate, you are exceptional..and you have given me the courage to write my own blog..isn't that amazing..i think so..and thanks

  4. i'm SO glad you kept writing xox SO glad.
